Video Branding

Our team can provide you with fully customized video branding, made accordance with RFE/RL Brand Standards.

See our best cases ↓

One Minute With

Sizdan Telegram

Analytical Show

One Minute With

A program by the RFE/RL Pressroom

This is a project by Pressroom, in which the journalists from different RFE/RL services answer three questions in one minute. You can watch all of the episodes here:

Watch the actual episode of the program with applied branding

Sizdan Telegram

A UGC project for RFE/RL Uzbek service

The RFE/RL Uzbekistan service was receiving so much content from their users, that it was decided to create a separate website for this kind of content, it was called Sizdan Telegram - for most of the content is being sent via Telegram.

We had to create a logo, visual style and video branding which would not be similar to Telegram's visual style and not in conflict with the official RFE/RL branding guidelines.

You can see the whole Sizdan Telegram web page here.

Analytical Show

A project for RFE/RL North Caucasus service

Video branding for the North Caucasus youtube program 'Analysis'. We created a poster for youtube videos, opener, closer and the overall branding of the show.

You can see the show amongst other North Caucasus Youtube videos here.